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The Secret to a 70% Close Rate: Finding Newly Registered Companies No One’s Approached Yet!

Hello, business champs! 🏆


Do you want the secret sauce that will kick your close rate up to a whopping 70%?

You’re in the right place, so grab a notepad and get ready!


This secret is like your mom’s special recipe—

guarded closely but shared out of love.



Step 1: Find the Gold Mine 🗺️

Start by browsing the MCA database for a list of companies registered in the

last 30 days. This list is your gold mine!


Step 2: Do Your Homework 📚

Investigate these companies. Find out what they do and how you can add value.

This is the backbone of your high close rate.


Step 3: First In, Best Dressed 👔

Strike while the iron is hot! Be the first to make a call or send an offer.

First impressions matter, and being first gets you ahead of the game.


Step 4: The Personal Touch ✨

Make your outreach personal. Use their names, reference their business goals,

and let them know exactly why your services or products are the perfect match for them.


Step 5: Close Like a Champ 🥇

Don’t beat around the bush. Make your offer, tell them why it’s unbeatable,

and ask for the close. You’ve already set the stage; now take the win.


Ready to grab that 70% close rate? Tap the button below to get a sample list

of newly registered companies.

Your journey to becoming a close rate champion starts here!


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Here’s to becoming the champion of high close rates! 🥳


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