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80% of Businesses Don’t Know This Trick: How to Get Ahead with Newly Registered Companies!

Hey, local business heroes! 🌟

Ever wondered how some businesses are always a step ahead? Like they have some magic wand? Today’s your lucky day because we’re revealing that trick!

Spoiler Alert: It’s all about getting to newly registered companies before anyone else does.

Step 1: Where to Find This Untapped Goldmine 🗺️

You don’t need to dig deep; it’s right under your nose. Check the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) website for a list of companies that have just got their papers.

Step 2: Sift Through Like a Pro 🕵️‍♂️

Trust us, this list is not just a bunch of names. Use a straightforward filtering method to pinpoint the types of companies that fit right into your sales plan.

Step 3: Craft a Deal They Can’t Say No To 📝

Remember, you’re not just a salesman; you’re their future partner. Customize your offer so that it’s almost like you’re reading their mind.

Step 4: Make Your First Impression Count 📞

Fire up that phone or shoot that first email. If you’re not hearing back, be persistent without being a pest. Your aim is to be in their contacts, not their spam folder.

Step 5: Success? Do it All Over Again 🔄

If it worked once, it’ll work again. Keep checking for fresh names and get the cycle going.

Ready to become one of the top 20% who knows this trick? Click the button below to access an exclusive list of newly registered companies.


You’re now armed with a trick that 80% of businesses wish they knew. Go ahead, make that leap from being just another business to being the talk of the town! 🚀